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Creative Content and Marketing Management Proposal - 2023

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:48 pm
by Rhubarbarian
Note from Rhubarbarian

Our goal is to create passionate, dedicated followers, excited for the culture, community and association to a trusted brand. We aim to establish Kaspa as the premier peer-to-peer digital currency for the world. A practical goal is to be a top 10 coin within the next 5 years.

The reason for this proposal is 4 fold.

One. We have experienced ever-increasing requests for us to create and contribute to marketing initiatives.

Two. Content creation and marketing management is what we do, however, volunteer time has eaten into our daily work schedule. With no compensation for the work provided from June 2022 to now, (other than some gracious tips - thank you!) our accountant/business manager has asked us to stop work unless a budget is offered. With Kaspa’s recent parabolic growth, we are no longer able to handle or justify the time and marketing demands needed to satisfy the community on a pure volunteer basis. We want to serve Kaspa in the best way possible and for this to be achieved we’d like to create an entire working schedule around Kaspa.

Three. We see how the lack of time we can afford to spend on Kaspa hurts the potential outreach and growth. We know what needs to be done and are frustrated to not be in a position to put our best foot forward. We heard from many Kaspians who want to see more and we want to give them more.

Four. And this is the biggest reason for this proposal. We love Kaspa. Having been in crypto marketing since 2016 (launched PIVX from .03 to $14 in 12 months) as well as launching numerous other crypto/blockchain projects, we have NEVER experienced such an amazing development team and quality community vibe. We are aligned in core values and goals and would love to become more “official” to help move the brand further and increase the speed at which Kaspa becomes a top 10 Peer-to-peer currency.

On a personal note, my interest in crypto is about freedom and the ability to help people around the world in need. A fast, secure and scalable coin like Kaspa could be the coin that helps people in these corrupt nations to spend and send in freedom and build wealth apart from the corruption.

Thank you for considering this proposal.

Background and Analysis
Kaspa is a relatively young project. Having publicly launched in November 2021 it began marketing with us, around June 2022, it has, in its short life, gained some amazing attention. This is strongly due to the founders and devs who so far have made some key tech decisions that have landed Kaspa as the next-level p2p coin! I would also say the community leads and managers have also made it what it is. And finally, without too much patting on the back, we believe Rhubarb Media's help in rebranding, creating a new website, re-make, and establishing socials, as well as its efforts in 10 months to develop a solid brand presence and critical messaging, has catapulted Kaspa into the light!

This can also be seen in the rapid growth of our social media channels and Discord numbers. Twitter 30k, Discord 15k, Telegram 12k and YouTube 940 subs and all growing.

This is evident in its value as well. When we started the coin was .0002 and reached an ATH of .0093 in November 2022. And now above a penny!!

We know that the goal of the project is to be the fastest, decentralized, most secure and most scalable top 10 currency in the world and It’s our intention to make that happen.

Target Markets/Strategy Foundations

We see 5 unique user markets.
1. Investors (make money now or later, but still trust the brand)
2. Savers/Hodlers/miners (hold as a storage of wealth, trusts the brand)
3. Spender/Senders/Givers (distributors of wealth, trusts the brand)
4. Traders (purely for the quick cash, no loyalty to the brand)
5. Newbs (curious, but no knowledge other than BTC references, no trust)

Others would be service providers. Skilled people to work on the project. Devs, marketers, technicians, support teams, etc. They may or may not trust the brand and are just there for the bounty or the experience, but are an important market to consider reaching.

Building the brand and marketing to traders or miners alone will make the currency unstable and new adopters will lose trust. Still - there should be a concerted effort to reach all markets, and understand that the long-term sustainability and accessibility of the currency are not in the traders. We are all for wooing them, but have to be careful… A common currency is a longer-term play and a much more thought-out strategy

Marketing the tech is important, but messaging can’t only be about the tech. Missing the social mark is partially why crypto is still trying to get adopted. Our marketing strategies over the years have been counter-crypto marketing (overly technical and aimed at the geeks) and our methods have worked. We have to push growing the “Tribe”, creating a solid and diverse fan base, so when the tech and tools mature, BAM - the flywheel effect. The goal is to yes, promote the tech, but make it friendly so all users can understand. Being the best tech doesn’t cut it in our current oversaturated market. We may indeed be the best tech, but the claim “we’re the best tech!” is empty in a sea of noise. Messaging & Outreach are needed!

We have to tell the stories and share a more in-depth, community-centric approach - Ambassadors, sponsorships, events, meet-ups, and localized marketing is the key. Out of each comes a flood of content and connection points. By constantly shilling our tech alone without a consistent feel-good story brand behind it all, or expressing the “What’s In It For Me” factor, we will not succeed.

Take a look at all the most successful brands. Very few focus on the technical side or the primary product's features in their marketing. Good marketing is all about emotion and story. Memory and narrative. You sell the experience, not the thing. A long-lasting brand is forged through experiencing strong emotions and connection to an inspiring narrative. The original iPod commercials were a great example. Dance, people, colour, beat, happiness.... and then (oh, by the way, it holds 1000s songs, etc...)

"Stop Shilling - keep branding!” This was some sage advice from a meeting encounter with Gary Vaynerchuk, as he listened to our woes about typical crypto marketing. I’m in total agreement. We need to create trust, show value and provide ways to fall in love with Kaspa. You do that through story and connecting to people’s hearts (emotions) and minds (facts) and that leads to them taking action (Hands - They reach out and grab it/buy it). Branding is the bridge between the Heart and Mind and it's all about meeting people’s felt needs while connecting them to the product, message or service. Do they feel loved, accepted, safe and unique? Tie one or all of those to your product and you're building a strong brand presence.

This is where developers, marketers, and investors can be drawn in. People want to be unique and see their skills used and yes, be a part of something great! Greatness though is not all about monetary success or fame.

You need to create a foundation of fulfilment and introduce the product at the same time. Tech+community - that’s what will make Kaspa win.

If price success is the goal, then we've missed the mark. Because that will always change. If You work on the brand, the culture and the tech, the price will grow organically. If your target is to make money only, I'm afraid we become like all the other coins we've internally (and publicly ) bashed for that reason.

Hype it up for sure, but tell the truth, be real and speak a common language while using approachable, everyday life images, and communication. Meet people where they are and then move them along. Let’s Have some fun along the way. Making people smile is a window to a new fan.

Public Relations
These are stories to share, written well and pitched to the media who trust us. And it's more us telling our story, which is fine, but the more effective marketing is others telling our story. A PR strategy is to develop relationships with hundreds of media outlets, journalists and crypto writers, by sending quality, relevant stories in order for trusted media to pick up and write their own stories but the goal is to move it to the next level - media trusting Kaspa. It's not about how many, it's about how good and how deep the relationship is with the media. This takes months to develop, but it only gets easier once it starts.

Our Goals

The Rhubarbarians ( are presenting this proposal to take on the creative content design needs and marketing “team” management for KASPA. We aim to continue our collaborative approach working with others within the marketing support community in delivering awesome, relevant and impacting content every week.

This includes a basic marketing/communications plan to strategically roll out some campaigns throughout the year. We have the capacity, the team and the experience to do what we did for Kaspa when we launched and during the ride up thus far.

Due to no budget and not being part of our paid workflow, we were only volunteering about 3-4 hours a week.

Our goal is to provide the best and blast the market with a cohesive, creative, professional, and approachable message in order to see Kaspa take the next leap forward. We will include in the proposal the opportunity for other professionals in the community to come alongside on certain projects for web, video, ads and other Kaspa-related needs. We believe those of you who started this before us and have joined since, having experienced our abilities, and seen our work and impact up till now, know the value we bring to the table and will support this.

The goal is to quadruple our capacity and output under our servant leadership and care. 12-15 hours a week - 50-60 hours a month.

With a set monthly budget, we can work during work hours, have access to our team (not just me) and we can work more closely with others to build the brand and spread the Kaspa news around the globe!

We will continue to protect the brand and its message and help Kaspa move to global brand awareness and product acceptance via design for web/social media, print, product design, merchandise, video, event marketing, sponsorships and more. We will help create a basic plan for creative in line with the Marketing Support community/Team to make sure all deliverables are on brand and on time.

Value Drivers

Rhubarb Media is an 18-year creative studio. We gave birth to the Kaspa brand and delivered innovative designs contributing to Kaspa's rapid growth from May 2022-present, along with a dedicated team of support. We feel we’ve proven our worth, not only by our creativity and quality, but through our passionate commitment to seeing Kaspa as a top 10 coin! We also bring a solid strategic communications background in looking at new ways to market Kaspa and improve our offerings. We have direct access to other creative providers and PR and marketing support agencies within our network.

The Marketing Focus

We will be looking to create content around 5 key themes.
Brand Awareness (core values, mission, vision, brand assets, etc)
Education (KASPA 101 teaching posts and tools, support Ambassadors, etc),
Technology (promote tech and tools, exchanges, apps/tools, updates),
Community (celebrate the community, support other content creators, etc)
Adoption (merchant support which includes education, tools and design and marketing support)


As much of the content is a day-to-day need, and at times, reactionary need, we want to still roll out one-off campaigns to supplement any lull in monthly news. In collaboration with others who sit in a marketing role, we hope to develop some campaign creative to fill in the gaps between announcements and updates if time allows. These will include, but not be limited to sponsorship marketing, contests, General KASPA highlight creative, regional creative marketing support for other language groups and/or 3rd party associations, Event marketing, etc.

See our content themes chart https://docs.googl ... sp=sharing as a good picture of what we, along with the community, can deliver on a weekly/monthly basis and ties into “Deliverables.”

With the help of BubbleGum Lightning and Wolfie, we have been using the Planner sheet starting in March. This is just the beginning of how we can help grow the team and stay organized.

The Deliverables

Not all listed will be able to be accomplished with the given budget, but we will prioritize what we can and outsource anything else to the community as required.

We will continue to provide timely creative designs for

Electronic documents, ppt templates, etc
Illustrations (Infographics, etc)
Social Media designs – Design for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Medium
Web banners/graphics - Provided needed designs for the upkeep of
Merchant Graphics (Kaspa Accepted here, Stickers, info cards, etc)
Wallet design support (Desktop, mobile, hardware, UI/UX)
Video production (Film, animation, explainers, AMAs, Snippets, etc)
Media Kits

Print Media Design
Business Cards
Handouts for conferences/meetups

New Clothing Designs (work with PoolParty Nodes to deliver the goods)
T-shirts, hats, hoodies, etc

Advertisement for web or print as budget allows
Business Card Templates for all to order their own and add their names if they like/QR for addresses, etc
Vehicle/building details/wraps - yep we do that!
Merchant Adverts for signage, window wraps, etc
Campaign Creation - 4-6 per year as needed within the scope of our monthly retainer

Merchant Support
Set up vendors with logos, point of sale (KASPA ACCEPTED HERE Decals, etc)
Help them onboard to Kaspa Merchant Directory
Push out Mentions on Socials
Interview them for KASPods or AMAs

Events Support
Design Support - Signs/Banners in regional languages - T-shirts/clothing/schwag items
Marketing the events - We’d create campaigns for each one.
Creating educational material and giveaways to help spread Kaspa the way we do it best - relationally.
Additional time is needed for design, management and translation if needed.
Bounty Budget for purchasing of materials (Kaspa swag, promo and presentational material) see Budget on page 16

Internationalization and Training
We will prepare more source files for all the above creatives so that they can easily be translated into any language by the community members. This will make it much easier to leverage all the prior efforts as Kaspa grows the international community.

As part of multiplying our reach, we’ll be looking for Kaspa Ambassadors in each major region or the globe and help equip them with all they need to reach their people groups as it relates to graphics, promo materials, and presentational templates created in their native languages. See Page 16 for more on the PAP.

Project Management Support
We utilize ZOHO Projects, our online tool for keeping all individuals and teams accountable and on task. Although almost all the work is public, reports can be created each month.

We recommend weekly audio call scrums (15 mins) with the marketing team faithful and a monthly meeting/chat with the Marketing community and the development team as they can attend. This could be done via a DEV/Marketing liaison, like Moonshot, Wolfie and the like.

Marketing Strategy Work (Secondary role in collaboration with other Marketing pros)
Develop a Key Messaging Document (KMD)
Develop a basic Marketing plan for now and future marketing.

For an overview of the Marketing Mix see mind node. This is the scope of work that would be managed. For it to work best, we’d need many others to help daily. But for now, we will do our best to slowly grow the team to fill in the gaps around skills and leadership.

Kaspa Marketing Mix


The success of our creative work is reliant upon its delivery of it via social, forums, blogs, etc. We need liaisons between Marketing and Devs to scrape relevant news for tech updates, wallet updates and any other progress. We need to see a solid team ready to support the campaigns via writing content, posting and moderating the different forums and social channels.

Expanding Team
Design and Web: Myself (Chad Ballantyne AKA, Rhubarbarian) as Creative Director and designer, Josh Rimkey, as Co-Lead designer.
Adding and managing/supporting committed Community Members to help with the load as well in areas of content creation (blogs) web, design and video
Project Management: Chad.
Video editing production: Chad/Josh Rickey
PR and Social Media management -Chad and Committed Kaspa Members
See the #who-what-where channel in discord to see the full scope of those doing things weekly at times. We hope to be a great resource for all these members!

Proven from the moment we started back in May 2022, we are not only the go-to designers for Kaspa, but I (Chad) have poured countless hours into communications and moderating the Discord community, vision casting and shaping the core messaging. As well as launching merchants and other adoption initiatives along the way. Our commitment goes beyond just pixels!

Our team would like to produce all Kaspa official ads for social, banner graphics, and web ads for other sites as well as product design, clothing, and decals. We would work closely with the Dev team to provide UI/UX for desktop and mobile wallets. We would be on call for any request from the Marketing Support Team (Handful of dedicated writers and contributors) around new exchanges or apps adding Kaspa, providing professional on-brand designs for promotion. If approved there will be a steady stream of ads, marketing materials, document templates and more. We want to restate that this is only a 60-hour-a-month commitment so not ALL will be able to accomplish this, but as the coin grows and maybe the budget increases we can increase our time per month.

Success Metrics
Success will primarily be measured by the continued rapid growth of the Kaspa brand and market. It will be seen by the number of clicks, hits follow and comments and social mentions, engagement, and dominance. When we see the community inspired and invested in Kaspa, we will have succeeded in our goals.

Evaluation Matrix
Technical Excellence - Users Adoption - Community Development - Team Development - Increased Value


Content Creation/Marketing Management/Strategy Building

1. 150,000 KAS per month - For this amount, we are still offering much skin in the game and investing for the sake of future growth and profits with the increase in KASPA value and ensuring the project's core goal of becoming a premium peer-to-peer currency.
We are proposing a retainer model whereby we commit to doing an average of 50-60 hours of creative support per month (12-15 hours per week)
This includes time for managing the entire Marketing process: Research - Brainstorming/Communications - Ideation/Concept Creation - Copy Writing - Review - Refine - Review/vote - Finalization - Release!

2. 100,000 KAS per month - MarketingMarketing Fund (CMF) for media kits and Kaspa merch for Ambassadors, merchants, and YouTubers and incentivizing/tipping the marketing community.

An example of a larger role and pay would be paying out 35,000 KAS per month for BubbleGum Lightning who’s writing blogs per day, running community AMAs and potentially launching KASPAPods. or the same amount for Titorelli to produce a monthly “Rock the KASPA” News videos. And other sums for those doing work on socials or other marketing projects. No set bounties yet, but relying on (not) Core Marketing Team’s vouching for/vote on those doing good work.
Total - 750,000 KAS - 3 months commitment (250,000 KAS per month)

In Month 4 will re-adjust the budget to coincide with the price.
Start Work Goal: March 20, 2023 (We plan to begin proposal work when the first 3 months are 100% funded)

Rhuwallet - kaspa:qpyr8yp7jmantyaatyqtpwuzv3fcthe2r7jz6n55nl4hdd0288e8jljunnqgv

The goal is to see that amount be contributed every 3 months, with an adjusted amount if the price inflates. So, months 4-6 could cost less Kas, for example, to keep the monthly USD to around $3500. Ideally, the Rhubarb fund and CMF will have an ongoing contribution so that we can apply all funds in the hopper to ongoing work. We plan to “fiat out” the Rhubarb allotment most months to pay us and our studio, so the CMF can stay and accumulate for paying and tipping worthy contributors. We will produce reports on all KAS payouts.

NOTE: The CMF portion of the fund will be in trust and used at discretion by a few Marketing Leads and if it’s a significant sum, take to a vote in the Marketing Team Channel. These funds will not be used for exchange fees, but rather anything directly tied to marketing efforts and the community that delivers them. It may be applied to some paid ads or Press Release fees, but the amount of budget is not sufficient to pay what’s needed to be on major media sites and new reel lists. As the values rise and if the funds are left over from one month to the other, the Marketing Crew community will vote on how best to use the funds. The goal for this CMF is to incentivise the community, and to attract new talent and leaders. We don’t want to set a precedent that all activities are paid gigs, but a CMF to tip and offer funds to those in the trenches daily is important.

Google Doc Proposal Link: ... ue&sd=true

Join us for a live AMA in Discord Meeting Room at 7pm EST if you want to chat, or ask questions. ... 1746843648

Kaspa Ambassador Program


What is a KASPA Ambassador?
A KASPA Ambassador is someone from anywhere around the world that has decided to dedicate their time and resources to spread the vision of KASPA and encourage people, developers, and Investors to consider KASPA. They represent KASPA.

Requirements to become a KASPA Ambassador
  • Core Knowledge of KASPA
    Willing to represent KASPA publicly
    Respect KASPA and KASPA members
    Active in Discord or other communication portals.
    Be an active volunteer for at least 2 months and find 3 long-standing Kaspians to vouch for your character and conduct
Expectations as an Ambassador:
  • Host local meetups in their city or country to meet fellow Kaspians and educate newcomers on what KASPA is.
    Assist the marketing team by providing any material such as Photographs, Videos, and articles of their meetups and merchant relations, etc.
    Recruit friends in the same country you are an ambassador of to help promote KASPA.
    Teach others about KASPA.
    Make videos with the team to educate people in your country on KASPA. (In your Language or English.)
    If possible, work with the exchange team to coordinate local exchanges to add KASPA trading pairs.
    Attempt to attend any possible blockchain meetups in your area and represent KASPA.
    Be a contact for the KASPA PR team as they work to generate local media releases about the activities in your region.
    Mentor others to be Ambassadors within your region to share the load
Marketing Process

Rhubarb Company Profile

A Community Contribution Company

Rhubarb Media Inc. has significant experience in creating relevant, eye-catching, emotionally-stimulating designs. We desire to deeply move the individuals considering our work. Whether it is a print media piece, an advertisement, a web page or a video, the sign of effective design is one that evokes a strong enough emotion to cause the viewer to be impacted to the point of life change.

Rhubarb Media Inc. is not your average creative house. We measure our success, not on the bottom line, but rather on the amount of community give-back we can manage year after year. Our goal is to always increase our giving to the community we serve. The bigger the clients and budgets, the more financial margin we feel we can leverage to help others. Our legacy may very well be great logos, marketing design and websites, but when/if our company no longer exists, we know that what truly lasts is the hope, strength and care we offered to those in need through the social and cultural organizations we supported.

We have a wide range of experience creating a full range of high-quality, visually attractive graphic design services, including, but not limited to, planning, designing, developing, executing, producing, and duplicating. We will coordinate the project’s development, making sure your standards and expectations are met, and that any products conform to the desired specifications.

Here are some industries our expert team has worked in:

Arts & Culture
Social Entrepreneurship
Governments and PSOs
Real Estate

Re: Creative Content and Marketing Management Proposal - 2023

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:10 pm
by gandalf
Fantastic write up, top quality post.. Thank you very much for your effort!

Re: Creative Content and Marketing Management Proposal - 2023

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:32 pm
by Rhubarbarian
gandalf wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:10 pm Fantastic write up, top quality post.. Thank you very much for your effort!
Thanks!! Appreciate your support!

Re: Creative Content and Marketing Management Proposal - 2023

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:40 pm
by RealKingGone
Excellent proposals, Rhubarbarian! 100% agree :)

Re: Creative Content and Marketing Management Proposal - 2023

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 12:36 pm
by Function13
This is a really well thought out proposal. Top notch!

Re: Creative Content and Marketing Management Proposal - 2023

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:11 am
by sarah3539
Rhubarbarian wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:48 pm Note from Rhubarbarian

Our goal is to create passionate, dedicated followers, excited for the culture, community and association to a trusted brand. We aim to establish Kaspa as the premier peer-to-peer digital currency for the world. A practical goal is to be a top 10 coin within the next 5 years. And we are going to advertise it even more online with the help of a marketing agency in this link here.

The reason for this proposal is 4 fold.

One. We have experienced ever-increasing requests for us to create and contribute to marketing initiatives.

Two. Content creation and marketing management is what we do, however, volunteer time has eaten into our daily work schedule. With no compensation for the work provided from June 2022 to now, (other than some gracious tips - thank you!) our accountant/business manager has asked us to stop work unless a budget is offered. With Kaspa’s recent parabolic growth, we are no longer able to handle or justify the time and marketing demands needed to satisfy the community on a pure volunteer basis. We want to serve Kaspa in the best way possible and for this to be achieved we’d like to create an entire working schedule around Kaspa.

Three. We see how the lack of time we can afford to spend on Kaspa hurts the potential outreach and growth. We know what needs to be done and are frustrated to not be in a position to put our best foot forward. We heard from many Kaspians who want to see more and we want to give them more.

Four. And this is the biggest reason for this proposal. We love Kaspa. Having been in crypto marketing since 2016 (launched PIVX from .03 to $14 in 12 months) as well as launching numerous other crypto/blockchain projects, we have NEVER experienced such an amazing development team and quality community vibe. We are aligned in core values and goals and would love to become more “official” to help move the brand further and increase the speed at which Kaspa becomes a top 10 Peer-to-peer currency.

On a personal note, my interest in crypto is about freedom and the ability to help people around the world in need. A fast, secure and scalable coin like Kaspa could be the coin that helps people in these corrupt nations to spend and send in freedom and build wealth apart from the corruption.

Thank you for considering this proposal.

Background and Analysis
Kaspa is a relatively young project. Having publicly launched in November 2021 it began marketing with us, around June 2022, it has, in its short life, gained some amazing attention. This is strongly due to the founders and devs who so far have made some key tech decisions that have landed Kaspa as the next-level p2p coin! I would also say the community leads and managers have also made it what it is. And finally, without too much patting on the back, we believe Rhubarb Media's help in rebranding, creating a new website, re-make, and establishing socials, as well as its efforts in 10 months to develop a solid brand presence and critical messaging, has catapulted Kaspa into the light!

This can also be seen in the rapid growth of our social media channels and Discord numbers. Twitter 30k, Discord 15k, Telegram 12k and YouTube 940 subs and all growing.

This is evident in its value as well. When we started the coin was .0002 and reached an ATH of .0093 in November 2022. And now above a penny!!

We know that the goal of the project is to be the fastest, decentralized, most secure and most scalable top 10 currency in the world and It’s our intention to make that happen.

Target Markets/Strategy Foundations

We see 5 unique user markets.
1. Investors (make money now or later, but still trust the brand)
2. Savers/Hodlers/miners (hold as a storage of wealth, trusts the brand)
3. Spender/Senders/Givers (distributors of wealth, trusts the brand)
4. Traders (purely for the quick cash, no loyalty to the brand)
5. Newbs (curious, but no knowledge other than BTC references, no trust)

Others would be service providers. Skilled people to work on the project. Devs, marketers, technicians, support teams, etc. They may or may not trust the brand and are just there for the bounty or the experience, but are an important market to consider reaching.

Building the brand and marketing to traders or miners alone will make the currency unstable and new adopters will lose trust. Still - there should be a concerted effort to reach all markets, and understand that the long-term sustainability and accessibility of the currency are not in the traders. We are all for wooing them, but have to be careful… A common currency is a longer-term play and a much more thought-out strategy

Marketing the tech is important, but messaging can’t only be about the tech. Missing the social mark is partially why crypto is still trying to get adopted. Our marketing strategies over the years have been counter-crypto marketing (overly technical and aimed at the geeks) and our methods have worked. We have to push growing the “Tribe”, creating a solid and diverse fan base, so when the tech and tools mature, BAM - the flywheel effect. The goal is to yes, promote the tech, but make it friendly so all users can understand. Being the best tech doesn’t cut it in our current oversaturated market. We may indeed be the best tech, but the claim “we’re the best tech!” is empty in a sea of noise. Messaging & Outreach are needed!

We have to tell the stories and share a more in-depth, community-centric approach - Ambassadors, sponsorships, events, meet-ups, and localized marketing is the key. Out of each comes a flood of content and connection points. By constantly shilling our tech alone without a consistent feel-good story brand behind it all, or expressing the “What’s In It For Me” factor, we will not succeed.

Take a look at all the most successful brands. Very few focus on the technical side or the primary product's features in their marketing. Good marketing is all about emotion and story. Memory and narrative. You sell the experience, not the thing. A long-lasting brand is forged through experiencing strong emotions and connection to an inspiring narrative. The original iPod commercials were a great example. Dance, people, colour, beat, happiness.... and then (oh, by the way, it holds 1000s songs, etc...)

"Stop Shilling - keep branding!” This was some sage advice from a meeting encounter with Gary Vaynerchuk, as he listened to our woes about typical crypto marketing. I’m in total agreement. We need to create trust, show value and provide ways to fall in love with Kaspa. You do that through story and connecting to people’s hearts (emotions) and minds (facts) and that leads to them taking action (Hands - They reach out and grab it/buy it). Branding is the bridge between the Heart and Mind and it's all about meeting people’s felt needs while connecting them to the product, message or service. Do they feel loved, accepted, safe and unique? Tie one or all of those to your product and you're building a strong brand presence.

This is where developers, marketers, and investors can be drawn in. People want to be unique and see their skills used and yes, be a part of something great! Greatness though is not all about monetary success or fame.

You need to create a foundation of fulfilment and introduce the product at the same time. Tech+community - that’s what will make Kaspa win.

If price success is the goal, then we've missed the mark. Because that will always change. If You work on the brand, the culture and the tech, the price will grow organically. If your target is to make money only, I'm afraid we become like all the other coins we've internally (and publicly ) bashed for that reason.

Hype it up for sure, but tell the truth, be real and speak a common language while using approachable, everyday life images, and communication. Meet people where they are and then move them along. Let’s Have some fun along the way. Making people smile is a window to a new fan.

Public Relations
These are stories to share, written well and pitched to the media who trust us. And it's more us telling our story, which is fine, but the more effective marketing is others telling our story. A PR strategy is to develop relationships with hundreds of media outlets, journalists and crypto writers, by sending quality, relevant stories in order for trusted media to pick up and write their own stories but the goal is to move it to the next level - media trusting Kaspa. It's not about how many, it's about how good and how deep the relationship is with the media. This takes months to develop, but it only gets easier once it starts.

Our Goals

The Rhubarbarians ( are presenting this proposal to take on the creative content design needs and marketing “team” management for KASPA. We aim to continue our collaborative approach working with others within the marketing support community in delivering awesome, relevant and impacting content every week.

This includes a basic marketing/communications plan to strategically roll out some campaigns throughout the year. We have the capacity, the team and the experience to do what we did for Kaspa when we launched and during the ride up thus far.

Due to no budget and not being part of our paid workflow, we were only volunteering about 3-4 hours a week.

Our goal is to provide the best and blast the market with a cohesive, creative, professional, and approachable message in order to see Kaspa take the next leap forward. We will include in the proposal the opportunity for other professionals in the community to come alongside on certain projects for web, video, ads and other Kaspa-related needs. We believe those of you who started this before us and have joined since, having experienced our abilities, and seen our work and impact up till now, know the value we bring to the table and will support this.

The goal is to quadruple our capacity and output under our servant leadership and care. 12-15 hours a week - 50-60 hours a month.

With a set monthly budget, we can work during work hours, have access to our team (not just me) and we can work more closely with others to build the brand and spread the Kaspa news around the globe!

We will continue to protect the brand and its message and help Kaspa move to global brand awareness and product acceptance via design for web/social media, print, product design, merchandise, video, event marketing, sponsorships and more. We will help create a basic plan for creative in line with the Marketing Support community/Team to make sure all deliverables are on brand and on time.

Value Drivers

Rhubarb Media is an 18-year creative studio. We gave birth to the Kaspa brand and delivered innovative designs contributing to Kaspa's rapid growth from May 2022-present, along with a dedicated team of support. We feel we’ve proven our worth, not only by our creativity and quality, but through our passionate commitment to seeing Kaspa as a top 10 coin! We also bring a solid strategic communications background in looking at new ways to market Kaspa and improve our offerings. We have direct access to other creative providers and PR and marketing support agencies within our network.

The Marketing Focus

We will be looking to create content around 5 key themes.
Brand Awareness (core values, mission, vision, brand assets, etc)
Education (KASPA 101 teaching posts and tools, support Ambassadors, etc),
Technology (promote tech and tools, exchanges, apps/tools, updates),
Community (celebrate the community, support other content creators, etc)
Adoption (merchant support which includes education, tools and design and marketing support)


As much of the content is a day-to-day need, and at times, reactionary need, we want to still roll out one-off campaigns to supplement any lull in monthly news. In collaboration with others who sit in a marketing role, we hope to develop some campaign creative to fill in the gaps between announcements and updates if time allows. These will include, but not be limited to sponsorship marketing, contests, General KASPA highlight creative, regional creative marketing support for other language groups and/or 3rd party associations, Event marketing, etc.

See our content themes chart https://docs.googl ... sp=sharing as a good picture of what we, along with the community, can deliver on a weekly/monthly basis and ties into “Deliverables.”

With the help of BubbleGum Lightning and Wolfie, we have been using the Planner sheet starting in March. This is just the beginning of how we can help grow the team and stay organized.

The Deliverables

Not all listed will be able to be accomplished with the given budget, but we will prioritize what we can and outsource anything else to the community as required.

We will continue to provide timely creative designs for

Electronic documents, ppt templates, etc
Illustrations (Infographics, etc)
Social Media designs – Design for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Medium
Web banners/graphics - Provided needed designs for the upkeep of
Merchant Graphics (Kaspa Accepted here, Stickers, info cards, etc)
Wallet design support (Desktop, mobile, hardware, UI/UX)
Video production (Film, animation, explainers, AMAs, Snippets, etc)
Media Kits

Print Media Design
Business Cards
Handouts for conferences/meetups

New Clothing Designs (work with PoolParty Nodes to deliver the goods)
T-shirts, hats, hoodies, etc

Advertisement for web or print as budget allows
Business Card Templates for all to order their own and add their names if they like/QR for addresses, etc
Vehicle/building details/wraps - yep we do that!
Merchant Adverts for signage, window wraps, etc
Campaign Creation - 4-6 per year as needed within the scope of our monthly retainer

Merchant Support
Set up vendors with logos, point of sale (KASPA ACCEPTED HERE Decals, etc)
Help them onboard to Kaspa Merchant Directory
Push out Mentions on Socials
Interview them for KASPods or AMAs

Events Support
Design Support - Signs/Banners in regional languages - T-shirts/clothing/schwag items
Marketing the events - We’d create campaigns for each one.
Creating educational material and giveaways to help spread Kaspa the way we do it best - relationally.
Additional time is needed for design, management and translation if needed.
Bounty Budget for purchasing of materials (Kaspa swag, promo and presentational material) see Budget on page 16

Internationalization and Training
We will prepare more source files for all the above creatives so that they can easily be translated into any language by the community members. This will make it much easier to leverage all the prior efforts as Kaspa grows the international community.

As part of multiplying our reach, we’ll be looking for Kaspa Ambassadors in each major region or the globe and help equip them with all they need to reach their people groups as it relates to graphics, promo materials, and presentational templates created in their native languages. See Page 16 for more on the PAP.

Project Management Support
We utilize ZOHO Projects, our online tool for keeping all individuals and teams accountable and on task. Although almost all the work is public, reports can be created each month.

We recommend weekly audio call scrums (15 mins) with the marketing team faithful and a monthly meeting/chat with the Marketing community and the development team as they can attend. This could be done via a DEV/Marketing liaison, like Moonshot, Wolfie and the like.

Marketing Strategy Work (Secondary role in collaboration with other Marketing pros)
Develop a Key Messaging Document (KMD)
Develop a basic Marketing plan for now and future marketing.

For an overview of the Marketing Mix see mind node. This is the scope of work that would be managed. For it to work best, we’d need many others to help daily. But for now, we will do our best to slowly grow the team to fill in the gaps around skills and leadership.

Kaspa Marketing Mix


The success of our creative work is reliant upon its delivery of it via social, forums, blogs, etc. We need liaisons between Marketing and Devs to scrape relevant news for tech updates, wallet updates and any other progress. We need to see a solid team ready to support the campaigns via writing content, posting and moderating the different forums and social channels.

Expanding Team
Design and Web: Myself (Chad Ballantyne AKA, Rhubarbarian) as Creative Director and designer, Josh Rimkey, as Co-Lead designer.
Adding and managing/supporting committed Community Members to help with the load as well in areas of content creation (blogs) web, design and video
Project Management: Chad.
Video editing production: Chad/Josh Rickey
PR and Social Media management -Chad and Committed Kaspa Members
See the #who-what-where channel in discord to see the full scope of those doing things weekly at times. We hope to be a great resource for all these members!

Proven from the moment we started back in May 2022, we are not only the go-to designers for Kaspa, but I (Chad) have poured countless hours into communications and moderating the Discord community, vision casting and shaping the core messaging. As well as launching merchants and other adoption initiatives along the way. Our commitment goes beyond just pixels!

Our team would like to produce all Kaspa official ads for social, banner graphics, and web ads for other sites as well as product design, clothing, and decals. We would work closely with the Dev team to provide UI/UX for desktop and mobile wallets. We would be on call for any request from the Marketing Support Team (Handful of dedicated writers and contributors) around new exchanges or apps adding Kaspa, providing professional on-brand designs for promotion. If approved there will be a steady stream of ads, marketing materials, document templates and more. We want to restate that this is only a 60-hour-a-month commitment so not ALL will be able to accomplish this, but as the coin grows and maybe the budget increases we can increase our time per month.

Success Metrics
Success will primarily be measured by the continued rapid growth of the Kaspa brand and market. It will be seen by the number of clicks, hits follow and comments and social mentions, engagement, and dominance. When we see the community inspired and invested in Kaspa, we will have succeeded in our goals.

Evaluation Matrix
Technical Excellence - Users Adoption - Community Development - Team Development - Increased Value


Content Creation/Marketing Management/Strategy Building

1. 150,000 KAS per month - For this amount, we are still offering much skin in the game and investing for the sake of future growth and profits with the increase in KASPA value and ensuring the project's core goal of becoming a premium peer-to-peer currency.
We are proposing a retainer model whereby we commit to doing an average of 50-60 hours of creative support per month (12-15 hours per week)
This includes time for managing the entire Marketing process: Research - Brainstorming/Communications - Ideation/Concept Creation - Copy Writing - Review - Refine - Review/vote - Finalization - Release!

2. 100,000 KAS per month - MarketingMarketing Fund (CMF) for media kits and Kaspa merch for Ambassadors, merchants, and YouTubers and incentivizing/tipping the marketing community.

An example of a larger role and pay would be paying out 35,000 KAS per month for BubbleGum Lightning who’s writing blogs per day, running community AMAs and potentially launching KASPAPods. or the same amount for Titorelli to produce a monthly “Rock the KASPA” News videos. And other sums for those doing work on socials or other marketing projects. No set bounties yet, but relying on (not) Core Marketing Team’s vouching for/vote on those doing good work.
Total - 750,000 KAS - 3 months commitment (250,000 KAS per month)

In Month 4 will re-adjust the budget to coincide with the price.
Start Work Goal: March 20, 2023 (We plan to begin proposal work when the first 3 months are 100% funded)

Rhuwallet - kaspa:qpyr8yp7jmantyaatyqtpwuzv3fcthe2r7jz6n55nl4hdd0288e8jljunnqgv

The goal is to see that amount be contributed every 3 months, with an adjusted amount if the price inflates. So, months 4-6 could cost less Kas, for example, to keep the monthly USD to around $3500. Ideally, the Rhubarb fund and CMF will have an ongoing contribution so that we can apply all funds in the hopper to ongoing work. We plan to “fiat out” the Rhubarb allotment most months to pay us and our studio, so the CMF can stay and accumulate for paying and tipping worthy contributors. We will produce reports on all KAS payouts.

NOTE: The CMF portion of the fund will be in trust and used at discretion by a few Marketing Leads and if it’s a significant sum, take to a vote in the Marketing Team Channel. These funds will not be used for exchange fees, but rather anything directly tied to marketing efforts and the community that delivers them. It may be applied to some paid ads or Press Release fees, but the amount of budget is not sufficient to pay what’s needed to be on major media sites and new reel lists. As the values rise and if the funds are left over from one month to the other, the Marketing Crew community will vote on how best to use the funds. The goal for this CMF is to incentivise the community, and to attract new talent and leaders. We don’t want to set a precedent that all activities are paid gigs, but a CMF to tip and offer funds to those in the trenches daily is important.

Google Doc Proposal Link: ... ue&sd=true

Join us for a live AMA in Discord Meeting Room at 7pm EST if you want to chat, or ask questions. ... 1746843648

Kaspa Ambassador Program


What is a KASPA Ambassador?
A KASPA Ambassador is someone from anywhere around the world that has decided to dedicate their time and resources to spread the vision of KASPA and encourage people, developers, and Investors to consider KASPA. They represent KASPA.

Requirements to become a KASPA Ambassador
  • Core Knowledge of KASPA
    Willing to represent KASPA publicly
    Respect KASPA and KASPA members
    Active in Discord or other communication portals.
    Be an active volunteer for at least 2 months and find 3 long-standing Kaspians to vouch for your character and conduct
Expectations as an Ambassador:
  • Host local meetups in their city or country to meet fellow Kaspians and educate newcomers on what KASPA is.
    Assist the marketing team by providing any material such as Photographs, Videos, and articles of their meetups and merchant relations, etc.
    Recruit friends in the same country you are an ambassador of to help promote KASPA.
    Teach others about KASPA.
    Make videos with the team to educate people in your country on KASPA. (In your Language or English.)
    If possible, work with the exchange team to coordinate local exchanges to add KASPA trading pairs.
    Attempt to attend any possible blockchain meetups in your area and represent KASPA.
    Be a contact for the KASPA PR team as they work to generate local media releases about the activities in your region.
    Mentor others to be Ambassadors within your region to share the load
Marketing Process

Rhubarb Company Profile

A Community Contribution Company

Rhubarb Media Inc. has significant experience in creating relevant, eye-catching, emotionally-stimulating designs. We desire to deeply move the individuals considering our work. Whether it is a print media piece, an advertisement, a web page or a video, the sign of effective design is one that evokes a strong enough emotion to cause the viewer to be impacted to the point of life change.

Rhubarb Media Inc. is not your average creative house. We measure our success, not on the bottom line, but rather on the amount of community give-back we can manage year after year. Our goal is to always increase our giving to the community we serve. The bigger the clients and budgets, the more financial margin we feel we can leverage to help others. Our legacy may very well be great logos, marketing design and websites, but when/if our company no longer exists, we know that what truly lasts is the hope, strength and care we offered to those in need through the social and cultural organizations we supported.

We have a wide range of experience creating a full range of high-quality, visually attractive graphic design services, including, but not limited to, planning, designing, developing, executing, producing, and duplicating. We will coordinate the project’s development, making sure your standards and expectations are met, and that any products conform to the desired specifications.

Here are some industries our expert team has worked in:

Arts & Culture
Social Entrepreneurship
Governments and PSOs
Real Estate

Thank you for sharing your proposal about Kaspa, it's great to see the passion and dedication you have towards this project. It's clear that you and your team have put a lot of effort into marketing and content creation for Kaspa, and it's understandable that you would like to see some compensation for your hard work.

I also appreciate your personal interest in crypto and how it can help people around the world in need. It's inspiring to see people using their skills and expertise to make a positive impact on the world.

I wish you all the best with your proposal and hope that Kaspa continues to thrive and reach its goal of becoming a top 10 peer-to-peer digital currency.

Re: Creative Content and Marketing Management Proposal - 2023

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 1:13 pm
by sebastian35554
Rhubarbarian wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:48 pm Note from Rhubarbarian
Before anything else I just want to share with you a website to find the best coworking space that will meet your needs, you can visit this website to find the best coworking space for you.

Our goal is to create passionate, dedicated followers, excited for the culture, community and association to a trusted brand. We aim to establish Kaspa as the premier peer-to-peer digital currency for the world. A practical goal is to be a top 10 coin within the next 5 years.

The reason for this proposal is 4 fold.

One. We have experienced ever-increasing requests for us to create and contribute to marketing initiatives.

Two. Content creation and marketing management is what we do, however, volunteer time has eaten into our daily work schedule. With no compensation for the work provided from June 2022 to now, (other than some gracious tips - thank you!) our accountant/business manager has asked us to stop work unless a budget is offered. With Kaspa’s recent parabolic growth, we are no longer able to handle or justify the time and marketing demands needed to satisfy the community on a pure volunteer basis. We want to serve Kaspa in the best way possible and for this to be achieved we’d like to create an entire working schedule around Kaspa.

Three. We see how the lack of time we can afford to spend on Kaspa hurts the potential outreach and growth. We know what needs to be done and are frustrated to not be in a position to put our best foot forward. We heard from many Kaspians who want to see more and we want to give them more.

Four. And this is the biggest reason for this proposal. We love Kaspa. Having been in crypto marketing since 2016 (launched PIVX from .03 to $14 in 12 months) as well as launching numerous other crypto/blockchain projects, we have NEVER experienced such an amazing development team and quality community vibe. We are aligned in core values and goals and would love to become more “official” to help move the brand further and increase the speed at which Kaspa becomes a top 10 Peer-to-peer currency.

On a personal note, my interest in crypto is about freedom and the ability to help people around the world in need. A fast, secure and scalable coin like Kaspa could be the coin that helps people in these corrupt nations to spend and send in freedom and build wealth apart from the corruption.

Thank you for considering this proposal.

Background and Analysis
Kaspa is a relatively young project. Having publicly launched in November 2021 it began marketing with us, around June 2022, it has, in its short life, gained some amazing attention. This is strongly due to the founders and devs who so far have made some key tech decisions that have landed Kaspa as the next-level p2p coin! I would also say the community leads and managers have also made it what it is. And finally, without too much patting on the back, we believe Rhubarb Media's help in rebranding, creating a new website, re-make, and establishing socials, as well as its efforts in 10 months to develop a solid brand presence and critical messaging, has catapulted Kaspa into the light!

This can also be seen in the rapid growth of our social media channels and Discord numbers. Twitter 30k, Discord 15k, Telegram 12k and YouTube 940 subs and all growing.

This is evident in its value as well. When we started the coin was .0002 and reached an ATH of .0093 in November 2022. And now above a penny!!

We know that the goal of the project is to be the fastest, decentralized, most secure and most scalable top 10 currency in the world and It’s our intention to make that happen.

Target Markets/Strategy Foundations

We see 5 unique user markets.
1. Investors (make money now or later, but still trust the brand)
2. Savers/Hodlers/miners (hold as a storage of wealth, trusts the brand)
3. Spender/Senders/Givers (distributors of wealth, trusts the brand)
4. Traders (purely for the quick cash, no loyalty to the brand)
5. Newbs (curious, but no knowledge other than BTC references, no trust)

Others would be service providers. Skilled people to work on the project. Devs, marketers, technicians, support teams, etc. They may or may not trust the brand and are just there for the bounty or the experience, but are an important market to consider reaching.

Building the brand and marketing to traders or miners alone will make the currency unstable and new adopters will lose trust. Still - there should be a concerted effort to reach all markets, and understand that the long-term sustainability and accessibility of the currency are not in the traders. We are all for wooing them, but have to be careful… A common currency is a longer-term play and a much more thought-out strategy

Marketing the tech is important, but messaging can’t only be about the tech. Missing the social mark is partially why crypto is still trying to get adopted. Our marketing strategies over the years have been counter-crypto marketing (overly technical and aimed at the geeks) and our methods have worked. We have to push growing the “Tribe”, creating a solid and diverse fan base, so when the tech and tools mature, BAM - the flywheel effect. The goal is to yes, promote the tech, but make it friendly so all users can understand. Being the best tech doesn’t cut it in our current oversaturated market. We may indeed be the best tech, but the claim “we’re the best tech!” is empty in a sea of noise. Messaging & Outreach are needed!

We have to tell the stories and share a more in-depth, community-centric approach - Ambassadors, sponsorships, events, meet-ups, and localized marketing is the key. Out of each comes a flood of content and connection points. By constantly shilling our tech alone without a consistent feel-good story brand behind it all, or expressing the “What’s In It For Me” factor, we will not succeed.

Take a look at all the most successful brands. Very few focus on the technical side or the primary product's features in their marketing. Good marketing is all about emotion and story. Memory and narrative. You sell the experience, not the thing. A long-lasting brand is forged through experiencing strong emotions and connection to an inspiring narrative. The original iPod commercials were a great example. Dance, people, colour, beat, happiness.... and then (oh, by the way, it holds 1000s songs, etc...)

"Stop Shilling - keep branding!” This was some sage advice from a meeting encounter with Gary Vaynerchuk, as he listened to our woes about typical crypto marketing. I’m in total agreement. We need to create trust, show value and provide ways to fall in love with Kaspa. You do that through story and connecting to people’s hearts (emotions) and minds (facts) and that leads to them taking action (Hands - They reach out and grab it/buy it). Branding is the bridge between the Heart and Mind and it's all about meeting people’s felt needs while connecting them to the product, message or service. Do they feel loved, accepted, safe and unique? Tie one or all of those to your product and you're building a strong brand presence.

This is where developers, marketers, and investors can be drawn in. People want to be unique and see their skills used and yes, be a part of something great! Greatness though is not all about monetary success or fame.

You need to create a foundation of fulfilment and introduce the product at the same time. Tech+community - that’s what will make Kaspa win.

If price success is the goal, then we've missed the mark. Because that will always change. If You work on the brand, the culture and the tech, the price will grow organically. If your target is to make money only, I'm afraid we become like all the other coins we've internally (and publicly ) bashed for that reason.

Hype it up for sure, but tell the truth, be real and speak a common language while using approachable, everyday life images, and communication. Meet people where they are and then move them along. Let’s Have some fun along the way. Making people smile is a window to a new fan.

Public Relations
These are stories to share, written well and pitched to the media who trust us. And it's more us telling our story, which is fine, but the more effective marketing is others telling our story. A PR strategy is to develop relationships with hundreds of media outlets, journalists and crypto writers, by sending quality, relevant stories in order for trusted media to pick up and write their own stories but the goal is to move it to the next level - media trusting Kaspa. It's not about how many, it's about how good and how deep the relationship is with the media. This takes months to develop, but it only gets easier once it starts.

Our Goals

The Rhubarbarians ( are presenting this proposal to take on the creative content design needs and marketing “team” management for KASPA. We aim to continue our collaborative approach working with others within the marketing support community in delivering awesome, relevant and impacting content every week.

This includes a basic marketing/communications plan to strategically roll out some campaigns throughout the year. We have the capacity, the team and the experience to do what we did for Kaspa when we launched and during the ride up thus far.

Due to no budget and not being part of our paid workflow, we were only volunteering about 3-4 hours a week.

Our goal is to provide the best and blast the market with a cohesive, creative, professional, and approachable message in order to see Kaspa take the next leap forward. We will include in the proposal the opportunity for other professionals in the community to come alongside on certain projects for web, video, ads and other Kaspa-related needs. We believe those of you who started this before us and have joined since, having experienced our abilities, and seen our work and impact up till now, know the value we bring to the table and will support this.

The goal is to quadruple our capacity and output under our servant leadership and care. 12-15 hours a week - 50-60 hours a month.

With a set monthly budget, we can work during work hours, have access to our team (not just me) and we can work more closely with others to build the brand and spread the Kaspa news around the globe!

We will continue to protect the brand and its message and help Kaspa move to global brand awareness and product acceptance via design for web/social media, print, product design, merchandise, video, event marketing, sponsorships and more. We will help create a basic plan for creative in line with the Marketing Support community/Team to make sure all deliverables are on brand and on time.

Value Drivers

Rhubarb Media is an 18-year creative studio. We gave birth to the Kaspa brand and delivered innovative designs contributing to Kaspa's rapid growth from May 2022-present, along with a dedicated team of support. We feel we’ve proven our worth, not only by our creativity and quality, but through our passionate commitment to seeing Kaspa as a top 10 coin! We also bring a solid strategic communications background in looking at new ways to market Kaspa and improve our offerings. We have direct access to other creative providers and PR and marketing support agencies within our network.

The Marketing Focus

We will be looking to create content around 5 key themes.
Brand Awareness (core values, mission, vision, brand assets, etc)
Education (KASPA 101 teaching posts and tools, support Ambassadors, etc),
Technology (promote tech and tools, exchanges, apps/tools, updates),
Community (celebrate the community, support other content creators, etc)
Adoption (merchant support which includes education, tools and design and marketing support)


As much of the content is a day-to-day need, and at times, reactionary need, we want to still roll out one-off campaigns to supplement any lull in monthly news. In collaboration with others who sit in a marketing role, we hope to develop some campaign creative to fill in the gaps between announcements and updates if time allows. These will include, but not be limited to sponsorship marketing, contests, General KASPA highlight creative, regional creative marketing support for other language groups and/or 3rd party associations, Event marketing, etc.

See our content themes chart https://docs.googl ... sp=sharing as a good picture of what we, along with the community, can deliver on a weekly/monthly basis and ties into “Deliverables.”

With the help of BubbleGum Lightning and Wolfie, we have been using the Planner sheet starting in March. This is just the beginning of how we can help grow the team and stay organized.

The Deliverables

Not all listed will be able to be accomplished with the given budget, but we will prioritize what we can and outsource anything else to the community as required.

We will continue to provide timely creative designs for

Electronic documents, ppt templates, etc
Illustrations (Infographics, etc)
Social Media designs – Design for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Medium
Web banners/graphics - Provided needed designs for the upkeep of
Merchant Graphics (Kaspa Accepted here, Stickers, info cards, etc)
Wallet design support (Desktop, mobile, hardware, UI/UX)
Video production (Film, animation, explainers, AMAs, Snippets, etc)
Media Kits

Print Media Design
Business Cards
Handouts for conferences/meetups

New Clothing Designs (work with PoolParty Nodes to deliver the goods)
T-shirts, hats, hoodies, etc

Advertisement for web or print as budget allows
Business Card Templates for all to order their own and add their names if they like/QR for addresses, etc
Vehicle/building details/wraps - yep we do that!
Merchant Adverts for signage, window wraps, etc
Campaign Creation - 4-6 per year as needed within the scope of our monthly retainer

Merchant Support
Set up vendors with logos, point of sale (KASPA ACCEPTED HERE Decals, etc)
Help them onboard to Kaspa Merchant Directory
Push out Mentions on Socials
Interview them for KASPods or AMAs

Events Support
Design Support - Signs/Banners in regional languages - T-shirts/clothing/schwag items
Marketing the events - We’d create campaigns for each one.
Creating educational material and giveaways to help spread Kaspa the way we do it best - relationally.
Additional time is needed for design, management and translation if needed.
Bounty Budget for purchasing of materials (Kaspa swag, promo and presentational material) see Budget on page 16

Internationalization and Training
We will prepare more source files for all the above creatives so that they can easily be translated into any language by the community members. This will make it much easier to leverage all the prior efforts as Kaspa grows the international community.

As part of multiplying our reach, we’ll be looking for Kaspa Ambassadors in each major region or the globe and help equip them with all they need to reach their people groups as it relates to graphics, promo materials, and presentational templates created in their native languages. See Page 16 for more on the PAP.

Project Management Support
We utilize ZOHO Projects, our online tool for keeping all individuals and teams accountable and on task. Although almost all the work is public, reports can be created each month.

We recommend weekly audio call scrums (15 mins) with the marketing team faithful and a monthly meeting/chat with the Marketing community and the development team as they can attend. This could be done via a DEV/Marketing liaison, like Moonshot, Wolfie and the like.

Marketing Strategy Work (Secondary role in collaboration with other Marketing pros)
Develop a Key Messaging Document (KMD)
Develop a basic Marketing plan for now and future marketing.

For an overview of the Marketing Mix see mind node. This is the scope of work that would be managed. For it to work best, we’d need many others to help daily. But for now, we will do our best to slowly grow the team to fill in the gaps around skills and leadership.

Kaspa Marketing Mix


The success of our creative work is reliant upon its delivery of it via social, forums, blogs, etc. We need liaisons between Marketing and Devs to scrape relevant news for tech updates, wallet updates and any other progress. We need to see a solid team ready to support the campaigns via writing content, posting and moderating the different forums and social channels.

Expanding Team
Design and Web: Myself (Chad Ballantyne AKA, Rhubarbarian) as Creative Director and designer, Josh Rimkey, as Co-Lead designer.
Adding and managing/supporting committed Community Members to help with the load as well in areas of content creation (blogs) web, design and video
Project Management: Chad.
Video editing production: Chad/Josh Rickey
PR and Social Media management -Chad and Committed Kaspa Members
See the #who-what-where channel in discord to see the full scope of those doing things weekly at times. We hope to be a great resource for all these members!

Proven from the moment we started back in May 2022, we are not only the go-to designers for Kaspa, but I (Chad) have poured countless hours into communications and moderating the Discord community, vision casting and shaping the core messaging. As well as launching merchants and other adoption initiatives along the way. Our commitment goes beyond just pixels!

Our team would like to produce all Kaspa official ads for social, banner graphics, and web ads for other sites as well as product design, clothing, and decals. We would work closely with the Dev team to provide UI/UX for desktop and mobile wallets. We would be on call for any request from the Marketing Support Team (Handful of dedicated writers and contributors) around new exchanges or apps adding Kaspa, providing professional on-brand designs for promotion. If approved there will be a steady stream of ads, marketing materials, document templates and more. We want to restate that this is only a 60-hour-a-month commitment so not ALL will be able to accomplish this, but as the coin grows and maybe the budget increases we can increase our time per month.

Success Metrics
Success will primarily be measured by the continued rapid growth of the Kaspa brand and market. It will be seen by the number of clicks, hits follow and comments and social mentions, engagement, and dominance. When we see the community inspired and invested in Kaspa, we will have succeeded in our goals.

Evaluation Matrix
Technical Excellence - Users Adoption - Community Development - Team Development - Increased Value


Content Creation/Marketing Management/Strategy Building

1. 150,000 KAS per month - For this amount, we are still offering much skin in the game and investing for the sake of future growth and profits with the increase in KASPA value and ensuring the project's core goal of becoming a premium peer-to-peer currency.
We are proposing a retainer model whereby we commit to doing an average of 50-60 hours of creative support per month (12-15 hours per week)
This includes time for managing the entire Marketing process: Research - Brainstorming/Communications - Ideation/Concept Creation - Copy Writing - Review - Refine - Review/vote - Finalization - Release!

2. 100,000 KAS per month - MarketingMarketing Fund (CMF) for media kits and Kaspa merch for Ambassadors, merchants, and YouTubers and incentivizing/tipping the marketing community.

An example of a larger role and pay would be paying out 35,000 KAS per month for BubbleGum Lightning who’s writing blogs per day, running community AMAs and potentially launching KASPAPods. or the same amount for Titorelli to produce a monthly “Rock the KASPA” News videos. And other sums for those doing work on socials or other marketing projects. No set bounties yet, but relying on (not) Core Marketing Team’s vouching for/vote on those doing good work.
Total - 750,000 KAS - 3 months commitment (250,000 KAS per month)

In Month 4 will re-adjust the budget to coincide with the price.
Start Work Goal: March 20, 2023 (We plan to begin proposal work when the first 3 months are 100% funded)

Rhuwallet - kaspa:qpyr8yp7jmantyaatyqtpwuzv3fcthe2r7jz6n55nl4hdd0288e8jljunnqgv

The goal is to see that amount be contributed every 3 months, with an adjusted amount if the price inflates. So, months 4-6 could cost less Kas, for example, to keep the monthly USD to around $3500. Ideally, the Rhubarb fund and CMF will have an ongoing contribution so that we can apply all funds in the hopper to ongoing work. We plan to “fiat out” the Rhubarb allotment most months to pay us and our studio, so the CMF can stay and accumulate for paying and tipping worthy contributors. We will produce reports on all KAS payouts.

NOTE: The CMF portion of the fund will be in trust and used at discretion by a few Marketing Leads and if it’s a significant sum, take to a vote in the Marketing Team Channel. These funds will not be used for exchange fees, but rather anything directly tied to marketing efforts and the community that delivers them. It may be applied to some paid ads or Press Release fees, but the amount of budget is not sufficient to pay what’s needed to be on major media sites and new reel lists. As the values rise and if the funds are left over from one month to the other, the Marketing Crew community will vote on how best to use the funds. The goal for this CMF is to incentivise the community, and to attract new talent and leaders. We don’t want to set a precedent that all activities are paid gigs, but a CMF to tip and offer funds to those in the trenches daily is important.

Google Doc Proposal Link: ... ue&sd=true

Join us for a live AMA in Discord Meeting Room at 7pm EST if you want to chat, or ask questions. ... 1746843648

Kaspa Ambassador Program


What is a KASPA Ambassador?
A KASPA Ambassador is someone from anywhere around the world that has decided to dedicate their time and resources to spread the vision of KASPA and encourage people, developers, and Investors to consider KASPA. They represent KASPA.

Requirements to become a KASPA Ambassador
  • Core Knowledge of KASPA
    Willing to represent KASPA publicly
    Respect KASPA and KASPA members
    Active in Discord or other communication portals.
    Be an active volunteer for at least 2 months and find 3 long-standing Kaspians to vouch for your character and conduct
Expectations as an Ambassador:
  • Host local meetups in their city or country to meet fellow Kaspians and educate newcomers on what KASPA is.
    Assist the marketing team by providing any material such as Photographs, Videos, and articles of their meetups and merchant relations, etc.
    Recruit friends in the same country you are an ambassador of to help promote KASPA.
    Teach others about KASPA.
    Make videos with the team to educate people in your country on KASPA. (In your Language or English.)
    If possible, work with the exchange team to coordinate local exchanges to add KASPA trading pairs.
    Attempt to attend any possible blockchain meetups in your area and represent KASPA.
    Be a contact for the KASPA PR team as they work to generate local media releases about the activities in your region.
    Mentor others to be Ambassadors within your region to share the load
Marketing Process

Rhubarb Company Profile

A Community Contribution Company

Rhubarb Media Inc. has significant experience in creating relevant, eye-catching, emotionally-stimulating designs. We desire to deeply move the individuals considering our work. Whether it is a print media piece, an advertisement, a web page or a video, the sign of effective design is one that evokes a strong enough emotion to cause the viewer to be impacted to the point of life change.

Rhubarb Media Inc. is not your average creative house. We measure our success, not on the bottom line, but rather on the amount of community give-back we can manage year after year. Our goal is to always increase our giving to the community we serve. The bigger the clients and budgets, the more financial margin we feel we can leverage to help others. Our legacy may very well be great logos, marketing design and websites, but when/if our company no longer exists, we know that what truly lasts is the hope, strength and care we offered to those in need through the social and cultural organizations we supported.

We have a wide range of experience creating a full range of high-quality, visually attractive graphic design services, including, but not limited to, planning, designing, developing, executing, producing, and duplicating. We will coordinate the project’s development, making sure your standards and expectations are met, and that any products conform to the desired specifications.

Here are some industries our expert team has worked in:

Arts & Culture
Social Entrepreneurship
Governments and PSOs
Real Estate
Thank you for sharing your proposal and expressing your passion for the growth and success of Kaspa. It's evident that you have put a lot of thought and effort into your marketing initiatives, and we appreciate your dedication to creating a strong brand and community.

We understand the challenges you've faced with the increasing demands on your time and the need for a budget to support your work. It's important to have the necessary resources to continue delivering impactful marketing campaigns and content. Your experience in crypto marketing and your belief in the potential of Kaspa make you valuable assets to the project.

We agree that reaching out to different user markets and building a diverse and dedicated fan base is crucial for the long-term sustainability and growth of Kaspa. Your emphasis on storytelling, emotions, and connection resonates with us, as it's through these elements that brands can forge a strong bond with their audience.

The idea of developing relationships with media outlets and journalists to help spread the word about Kaspa is an effective strategy. By having trusted media outlets share your story, you can reach a wider audience and build credibility for the project.

We appreciate the detailed outline of your goals and deliverables. It's clear that you have a comprehensive plan in place to create engaging content, support merchants, and promote the Kaspa brand through various channels. The prioritization of tasks based on the available budget is a sensible approach.

As a community, we value your creativity, experience, and commitment to the success of Kaspa. We support your proposal and believe that by working together, we can achieve the goal of making Kaspa a top 10 peer-to-peer digital currency. Let's continue to collaborate and create a thriving community that is excited about the future of Kaspa.

Thank you for your dedication and passion. We look forward to the positive impact you will make on the Kaspa project.

Re: Creative Content and Marketing Management Proposal - 2023

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:47 pm
by Rhubarbarian
sebastian35554 wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 1:13 pm
Rhubarbarian wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:48 pm

Thank you for sharing your proposal and expressing your passion for the growth and success of Kaspa. It's evident that you have put a lot of thought and effort into your marketing initiatives, and we appreciate your dedication to creating a strong brand and community.

We understand the challenges you've faced with the increasing demands on your time and the need for a budget to support your work. It's important to have the necessary resources to continue delivering impactful marketing campaigns and content. Your experience in crypto marketing and your belief in the potential of Kaspa make you valuable assets to the project.

We agree that reaching out to different user markets and building a diverse and dedicated fan base is crucial for the long-term sustainability and growth of Kaspa. Your emphasis on storytelling, emotions, and connection resonates with us, as it's through these elements that brands can forge a strong bond with their audience.

The idea of developing relationships with media outlets and journalists to help spread the word about Kaspa is an effective strategy. By having trusted media outlets share your story, you can reach a wider audience and build credibility for the project.

We appreciate the detailed outline of your goals and deliverables. It's clear that you have a comprehensive plan in place to create engaging content, support merchants, and promote the Kaspa brand through various channels. The prioritization of tasks based on the available budget is a sensible approach.

As a community, we value your creativity, experience, and commitment to the success of Kaspa. We support your proposal and believe that by working together, we can achieve the goal of making Kaspa a top 10 peer-to-peer digital currency. Let's continue to collaborate and create a thriving community that is excited about the future of Kaspa.

Thank you for your dedication and passion. We look forward to the positive impact you will make on the Kaspa project.
Thanks so much for your thoughts and props! We will be looking to re-fill the CMF this month, so we hope to have everyone's renewed support for another 3-6 months.

Re: Creative Content and Marketing Management Proposal - 2023

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2023 8:38 pm
by Starry
You've really nailed it, Rhubarb. Your proposal is impeccably structured, and it's more than just a document – it's a clear roadmap to achieving our brand goals. Excellent work!

Excited to start your journey?

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2024 11:27 pm
by AleksVid
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